Friday, February 17, 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such as These

Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

I have heard this verse many times and have always loved it. Ever since I was a very small child, I can remember wanting to get married and have lots of kids. I wanted to be just like my mom! I grew up seeing how much my mother loved babies and young children and this beautiful desire seemed to make sense to me. When I came into the Catholic Church, this made it very easy for me to accept an openness to life mentality. It just made sense, children are a gift and never a burden. How could a child bring anything but joy? Plus, God gave women this incredible gift that men physically can't do... we can literally grow a human being within us. It really is mind blowing if you think about it! 

The more we have been open to life, I have seen the beauty (and the sorrow) of what this openess really means. We have 4 precious babies on this earth and 2 in heaven. Being open to life has showed me that sometimes we get the incredible blessing of years with our children and sometimes its only a few weeks in the womb. Either way, every child has been an essential and vital part of our family and to God's plan in helping us all grow in holiness. 

On a daily basis, my children force me to grow and work on certain qualities within myself that if I did not have children would just be pushed aside. For instance.... my temper... It is so easy to just yell at the kids, especially in frantic or overwhelming moments. It takes more discipline though, to take some deep breaths, get control and calmly talk to them. Anger is truly a sin of pride and it is very easy to jump to that in the heat of the moment. With my children, I get lots of practice with this! Its a funny thing, children.... God made them easily ready to forgive and move on. There is so much we can learn from this! 

Just the other day I was given a great example of humility and obedience through my two sons. I had ordered a veil to wear at mass and they knew it had come in. On the way to mass, my 5 year old asked me if I was going to wear it. I told him, "oh I don't know.... I am feeling a little nervous about it". He immediately said, "Mommy, why would you be nervous? Saint Mother Teresa wears one!" and the 4 year old chimes in, "And Mother Mary!" Then the 5 year old again, "See mommy, there is nothing to be nervous about. I will ask Saint Mother Teresa and Mary to pray for you and you can ask them too." 

My eyes started tearing up as I realized God was providing me encouragement through my children. I even felt silly in the moment, thinking how crazy it had been that I had felt so nervous about doing it. What a beautiful gift that they see things so simple and black and white. Had I not had my children with me, that veil may still be sitting in my purse, never worn. My children are not afraid to be bold for God. So why should I be? 

Being open to life is a cooperation with God's will. It is a way of saying you are open to his plan for your family and abandoning that control we all wish we could have. It is realizing that God will give you the financial means to provide for these children he has entrusted to you. It is being an example to the world that yes you are different... and yes you love your husband and the gift that can come out of your love. It is knowing that not every day will be easy, but knowing every day will be blessed. 

When you follow the will of God, you are growing closer to the divine and to the way we were originally intended to be. God can only bless this abundantly. I have definitely seen this to be true in our lives.