I usually come up with a few very unrealistic goals for the year. Then, I get lost in the business of everyday life and completely forget about my goals for the year. Right now I am constantly engrossed in diaper changes, breaking up fights, cooking, cleaning and trying to provide love and care for the incredible little people God has blessed me with. This is my calling right now. I can say I honestly love and have always dreamed of this calling. That being Said, the calling of Motherhood can be all consuming emotionally and even physically exhausting. It is selfless and your greatest payment is laughter and kisses (Who can argue with that!). It is definitely the most sanctifying thing I will ever do! Keeping this in mind, I am taking into account my stage in life and trying to be realistic in my goal setting.
1. I am going to read and write again. This blog is my attempt at writing again. I am also going to try to read a book each month. A book that's just for me. Somewhere along the way, I forgot about these two loves of mine and let them fall by the wayside. It is time to bring them back!
2. I want to get organized. Our time is from God. If I want to honor God in all aspects of my life, I have to be responsible with my time. The more I plan, the smoother our household runs. Of course, putting God first is crucial to time management. It's amazing how he multiplies our time when we give it to him before anything else.
3. I refuse to feel overwhelmed. I chose Joy. Let me be honest, life is just pure chaos sometimes. I spend the majority of my day trying to keep Hudson and Caleb from wrestling each other to death, all while Annie cries that somebody is being "mean" to her or throwing a gigantic tantrum. Meanwhile, Samson wants to be held, nursed to sleep, held while sleeping and then repeat. There are moments (like when everybody looses it in the car) that I can suddenly feel overwhelmed. These are the moments when I desperately have to call on the Lord for some major grace. I realize though that even in these moments there are gifts. While Hudson and Caleb are tackling and wrestling, I hear laughter and see these boys are best friends. What a gift to have someone so close to you to love so much. My sweet Annie... oh that precious little toddler voice! I know I will miss it someday. Samson's constant need for me to hold him... I can feel like it is a hinderance sometimes because there is so much I need to get done, but on the other hand, the way he smiles at me and touches my face with his sweet little hands truly melts my heart. My point is that even in the hard or exhausting moments that don't go my way, there is still joy.
4. I want to enjoy the every day moments. I love spending time with my husband and my kids, but sometimes I am so anxious about what needs to be done later that I miss out on
the moment.... I am definitely a Martha! I want to try to be more of a Mary. I know it is in these simple every day moments where we find Love and Love leads us to the Lord.
the moment.... I am definitely a Martha! I want to try to be more of a Mary. I know it is in these simple every day moments where we find Love and Love leads us to the Lord.
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